Alumni Highlight — Daniel Rice class of 2013
After graduation, I became a seminarian of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. My first four years of this journey to the priesthood were at The Pontifical College Josephinum, in Columbus, Ohio, where I received a B.A. in philosophy. From the outset of my undergraduate philosophy studies, I realized with gratitude the extent to which TSMV's signature Humane Letters had launched me forward. I found that a clear, analytic writing style had become con-natural to me. I was almost surprised that intense yet charitable discussion with peers and professors about literature, philosophy, and theology was not already norm for many of my classmates. Philosophy came intuitively to me, since I had already been doing it for years.
The 2017-2018 year brought me to Philadelphia, PA for "Spiritual Year." A year focused on prayer and community life. A year of technology fast: no phone, computer, TV, internet, or even newspaper. Highlights of the year were a 30-day poverty immersion (working with the poor of western Pennsylvania) and St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises (a 30-day silent retreat at Broomtree in South Dakota, which is as much in-the-middle-of-nowhere as it sounds).
I am now in my first of four years of theology studies at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, in Philadelphia. Throughout my time in seminary, I have been abundantly blessed, much more than I deserve. The brotherhood and friendship of seminary are a joy and a bulwark of support. I delight in the privilege of being able to devote myself to prayer, to work in the service of the people of God, and to delve into the study of God, his Scriptures, and the faith. My experiences as a seminarian and God's assurance to me in prayer continue to convince me more and more of my vocation. Christ offers me the priesthood, and my heart yearns for it.