What better way to start off this year’s Quest competition — sunshine, donuts and coffee! Let the s
What better way to start off this year’s Quest competition — sunshine, donuts and coffee! Let the spirit of competition commence!
What better way to start off this year’s Quest competition — sunshine, donuts and coffee! Let the spirit of competition commence!
An ice cream truck and new t-shirts were a great way to kick off TSMV’s 2015 Orientation Day!
TSMV’s Class of 2016 is already back at school and hard at work beginning the college applications process!
It has been a great week at Trinity Classic Summer — Ancient Greece!
This summer, ten TSMV girls basketball players are participating in the Fairfax Stars Summer League. The team has been playing against some talented AAU teams in Northern Virginia. The girls just finished their 3rd game and secured their first win for the summer season! Great job girls!
Finishing up a great week of lacrosse camp! Still lots more opportunities to sign up! Go to: http://trinityschools.org/meadowview/enrichment/classics/
Congratulations to TSMV’s Class of 2015! Best of luck as you go forth from Trinity. We sure will miss you!
Don’t Wait! Register Now for TSMV Summer Camps http://conta.cc/1FXUkMW Register Now for TSMV Summer Camps
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