7th grade dioramas of endangered animals
Our 7th graders created some beautiful dioramas of endangered animals during Project Week!
Bridge Building in Physics
Seniors built bridges last week as part of Project Week. Which bridge is the most efficient in terms of design and strength?
Project Week at Trinity!
It’s Project Week at Trinity! Students are home this week working on topics of interest outside the normal curriculum. Seventh graders are researching an extinct or endangered animal and creating a model of its habitat. Eighth graders are constructing a model of a medieval castle or cathedral. We’ll all get a look at the finished […]
Friends, as 2020 draws to a close, please consider donating to the Meadow View Fund. . Your gift w
Friends, as 2020 draws to a close, please consider donating to the Meadow View Fund. https://trinitymeadowview.org//giving/. Your gift will directly support our faculty, provide tuition assistance for students in need, and help support our work on two campuses.
As part of their astronomy unit, the seventh-grade science students launched water-rockets, experi
As part of their astronomy unit, the seventh-grade science students launched water-rockets, experimenting with ways to defy gravity!
Our students collaborated to keep up TSMV tradition of sending Christmas cards to veterans in loca
Our students collaborated to keep up TSMV tradition of sending Christmas cards to veterans in local hospitals. The combined classes made a total of 799 cards!
Students on both campuses exercised amazing creativity last week in Winter Wonder Week’s door deco
Students on both campuses exercised amazing creativity last week in Winter Wonder Week’s door decorating competition! Congratulations to the seventh-grade boys on placing first!
Winter Wonder Week continues! Congratulations to the ninth grade on winning our Christmas caroling
Winter Wonder Week continues! Congratulations to the ninth grade on winning our Christmas caroling contest at St. Philip’s campus, and to the twelfth grade for winning at Meadow View! Enjoy a clip of the ninth-grader’s offering below.
Winter Wonder Week is here again! Each grade will strive to outdo the others in Christmas spirit a
Winter Wonder Week is here again! Each grade will strive to outdo the others in Christmas spirit and creative skill. Today’s challenge: a Christmas limerick!