Wow! What a lot of student talent was on display at last Saturday’s annual Coffee House!
Wow! What a lot of student talent was on display at last Saturday’s annual Coffee House!
Wow! What a lot of student talent was on display at last Saturday’s annual Coffee House!
On Saturday we had a great day of science enrichment for students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade! The girls studied and dissected a crayfish and learned the physics of bridge building. The boys took a look at simple machines and gears.
Thursday: January 21, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Sample a bit of the Trinity academic culture by taking part in a Humane-Letters-style study of poetry by Shakespeare, Frost and Heany. Head of School, Andrew Zwerneman, will give a brief explanation of how poetry is taught at Trinity and will then lead participants in a Socratic discussion […]
The 11th grade performed another great play last week — “As You Like It” by William Shakespeare.
Winter Wonder Week at Trinity included Christmas caroling, a cookie contest and, of course, tree decorating!
Trinity Olympics this week on campus! Lots of fun with tug-of-war and water balloons!
Trinity School had a great Chili Cook-off on Saturday, raising more than $4,000 for the Cornerstone Schools of Washington, D.C.
TSMV’s annual Chili Cook-off will be held this Saturday! Come enjoy great-tasting chili with all the fixings, lots of fun games and great fellowship. All proceeds will benefit Cornerstone Schools of Washington, DC