Saturday * November 18, 2023 * 7 p.m.

In celebration of the 25th year of our Meadow View campus, alumni, parents, current students, and friends of Trinity School are invited to an anniversary concert
Saturday, November 18, at 7 p.m.
The evening will showcase
Requiem for a Warrior
composed by Timothy Dusenbury.
Students from Meadow View, Greenlawn, and River Ridge will join together as a 95-member choir to perform the piece, accompanied by a full orchestra.
Conductor: Dr. Peter Kadeli (’08)
Featured soloist: Amelia Gil-Figueroa (’11)
Pianists: Anna Bray (’25) and Lily Spence (’25)
Admission is free.
Concert Details
Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center
at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus
4915 Netherton Dr, Alexandria, VA 22302
Free parking in garage across from the concert hall.