Happy Pi Day! Trinity students in Miss Trouwborst’s class answered questions about trigonometric fun
Happy Pi Day! Trinity students in Miss Trouwborst’s class answered questions about trigonometric function values in exchange for pieces of pie.
Happy Pi Day! Trinity students in Miss Trouwborst’s class answered questions about trigonometric function values in exchange for pieces of pie.
Members of the Class of 2014 joined members of the faculty for breakfast and a seminar last week in celebration of their 10 year anniversary! The alumni visited with current students for Morning Prayer and then enjoyed a discussion of Raymond Carver’s short story “Cathedral” led by Dr. Krueger. It was great to see some […]
Join us this weekend as the seniors perform Jean Giradoux’s satirical play The Madwoman of Chaillot on March 8 and 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pozez Jewish Community Center! Admission is free; all families and friends of Trinity School are invited to attend the show. Dr. Dreisonstock, local writer and father of a Trinity […]
MARCH MADNESS IS THIS WEEKEND | Saturday, March 2, 7:30 at McLean High School Come for the friendly competition, stay for Chick-fil-a sandwiches, raffle prizes, and more. We will be honoring senior athletes and their parents before the game, and all funds raised benefit the Junior-Senior prom. See you all there!
The Trinity swim team had a great time at the VISAA Swimming and Diving State Championship Meet. The meet was held in Christianburg, VA at Virginia Tech’s pool, February 15-16. It was an incredibly fast meet, and our swimmers showed up! Four out of our five relay teams made it to the finals, and many […]
The 8th grade girls are learning all about earthquakes, fault zones, and types of seismic waves. Today, they used spaghetti and marshmallows to build earthquake proof towers and then tested the strength of their structures with a shake table.
Some glimpses of the fun from last month’s Project Fair! Seventh and eighth grade students presented their work and fielded questions from friends, family, and students from the upper grades. Seventh graders research an endangered species and build a diorama of the animal and its habitat. Eighth graders build on their study in Medieval History […]
This week marks our beloved Metaphysical Pursuit competition! The 11th grade beat the 10th grade today with an exciting last question wager. Final match ups will take place during lunch tomorrow All grades compete for Quest points in this annual trivia event. Questions are compiled by the faculty and are drawn from the Trinity curriculum, […]
How do we prevent noise damage during rocket launches? What are the differences between a rocket, a space shuttle, and a satellite? Lieutenant Colonel Heather Rowe of the U.S. Space Force answered these and many other questions during her presentation and talk with the eighth graders this week. This visit came about through the Space […]
Classes competed all last week to win Quest points for Christmas cheer! From the seventh grade’s winning “Facul-tree” to our record breaking food drive last Friday (154 bags of food and over $1,100 contributed), this year’s Winter Wonder Week was one for the books. Thank you to all the classes and parents for your generosity […]